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Business Continuity Management (BCM)

The Benefits of BCM

Our clients are more prepared when disaster strikes and recovery processes are often also more cost effective, better focused and better organised if pre-event planning has taken place.
Good Business Continuity Management is proven to enable an organisation to gain a strategic advantage when bad things happen because they are better positioned to recover the organisation’s core abilities faster than those who are not prepared.


Gap Analysis: We can determine the current status of BCM against international benchmarks for an industry sector
BCM Framework and Plans: Design and develop integrated CEM/BCM frameworks and systems that can be applied organisation-wide or to specific business units
BCM Risk Assessment: Address business continuity risk identification / evaluation through risk assessment workshops and related services to determine areas of vulnerability that require response plans.
Emergency Planning: Assist clients with incident management and emergency planning which typically includes drafting of response plans and associated training and simulations.
BCM Training: Generic training or client specific training can be provided which includes practical simulated exercises. For more information on our Training services please click here.

The Value in our Approach:

At Mondial, we see Emergency, Crisis and Business Continuity Management (ECBCM) as a natural continuum of the other and cannot be handled as separate silo practices.
CEM/BCM is not something that is divorced from an organisation’s enterprise risk management practices, it is recognised as a means of risk treatment or risk response for certain risks.
We see the need for integrated and fit for purpose BCM as a key success factor for any organisation.
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